Education and francophone issues first drew me to politics. I’ve worked hard for progress on these and other issues and I’m ready to keep fighting for the people of Ottawa—Vanier." Lucille Collard
Lucille Collard: Proven Leadership; Continued Dedication
Meet Lucille: Lucille Collard is a passionate and dedicated community leader who has made a real difference in the lives of Ottawa-Vanier residents. With a strong commitment to education, healthcare, and community development, Lucille’s community involvement has made a difference. Elected in 2020 to take on the significant role of Member of Provincial Parliament (MPP) representing Ottawa-Vanier, Lucille has been a steadfast advocate for affordable housing, solutions to homelessness, healthcare access, and community services.
As a mother with children attending the Ottawa French public schools, Lucille’s involvement in the school council gave her a voice in decisions about education. Before long, she was asked to run for the school board and then chosen by her colleagues to be Vice-Chair and then Chair of the Board of the Conseil des écoles publiques de l’Est de l’Ontario (CEPEO). That experience provided an opening to make a meaningful difference in education, creating partnerships with residents and organizations that could offer students a solid head start. This approach to creating partnerships has continued in her role as MPP.
Working for the federal government as a lawyer in international trade law showed her how politics can be a tool to support communities and individuals across our country. That legal training has helped her understand, navigate, and take advantage of the legislative process to advance policy reforms and drive forward the modernization of essential government services. Consideration of the experiences of residents that come to her attention, combined with her experience as a mother, has allowed her to understand and respond to the needs of local families.
Why I’m running: “Education and francophone issues first drew me to politics, and I’ve worked hard for progress on these and more over the past four years, elected for our community over the last fifteen years. I am more focused than ever on serving the residents of Ottawa—Vanier by bringing people together to find innovative solutions to the public health care system, homelessness, and affordable housing, and to the challenges facing our community that make the riding so unique. There is still much to do to build a stronger Ontario, and I’m ready to keep fighting for the people of Ottawa-Vanier.”
Education: Education provides a foundation for success both for individuals and communities. As a parent, Lucille was instrumental in the creation of Trille des Bois, a francophone public school in Ottawa. Her leadership, first as a parent advocate, then as a school trustee for over a decade, and later as the chair of the board, fostered initiatives that significantly benefited students and families. Lucille’s focus on improving educational outcomes has been a top priority.
Healthcare: Lucille continues to work with all levels of government, community organizations, and residents to find solutions to pressing health issues. She is focused on ensuring every resident has access to a family doctor and will continue working tirelessly to see that happen. Committed to improving access to healthcare and supporting healthcare professionals in the region, Lucille remains committed to promoting solutions that enhance health care access for all Ontarians, even more so given the significant challenges health care professionals face daily due to a severe physician shortage.
Instrumental in securing funding for a new nurse practitioner-led clinic in Vanier, this clinic provides essential services and support to those in need, improving access to primary health care. Through concerted efforts and strong political pressure, we secured $2.5 million in provincial funding for the clinic.
Homelessness and affordable housing: Homelessness in Ottawa calls for immediate action to combat the problem. We need comprehensive and effective solutions that prioritize the well-being and dignity of all Ontarians; solutions to end homelessness must prioritize Indigenous people, as well as women and families. We need ongoing, or “wrap-around” services for the more than 3,000 homeless individuals in Ottawa; traditional approaches, such as emergency shelter spaces, have significant shortcomings, and Lucille continues to push for more inclusive and supported solutions, such as housing projects that offer individualized mental health, addictions and support services.
In Ottawa, 14,000 residents are waiting for affordable housing. Ottawa Community Housing (OCH), our city’s largest landlord with over 16,000 units, plans to cut this list by building 10,000 new units over the next decade. Mikinak, the newest OCH project in Ottawa-Vanier, adds 270 homes and shows the impact of new affordable housing. If re-elected, I will support and fund OCH to house more families and seniors. Let’s ensure the OCH’s construction of the affordable housing plan becomes a reality!
With the lack of affordable housing in Ottawa, Lucille launched an Affordable Housing Task Force in collaboration with other local elected officials to find solutions. The task force has focused on reducing the number of families waiting for social housing and creating safe, affordable housing, especially for Inuit women and children fleeing violence.
Seniors: The conditions in long-term care homes revealed during the pandemic were unacceptable and Lucille called on the Doug Ford government to ensure that every senior resident receives adequate care, and to take the necessary steps to improve conditions, policies, and procedures in long-term care homes. In addition, Lucille continues to advocate for supporting services and programs for seniors, particularly in the French-speaking community of Ottawa-Vanier. She recognizes that caregivers play a vital role in providing care and support to seniors and those with special needs, often without adequate compensation or recognition. Their contribution is invaluable to the well-being and quality of life of the people they help.
Lastly, supporting seniors to live in their homes for as long as they wish is important. We will develop a continuum of care so that seniors and their caregivers are supported with social interactions, home and community care supports, and health professionals’ visits.
Francophone: A proud Franco-Ontarian, Lucille is a strong advocate for recognizing the integral role Franco-Ontarians have in the province’s history by ensuring that the Franco-Ontarian flag is permanently displayed in the legislative chamber.
Lucille and the Liberal Party of Ontario are committed to reinstating the Commissioner for French Services. The province of Ontario offers quality services which need to be equally available to francophone residents across the province.
She is committed to promoting and protecting Francophone culture and supporting initiatives that enrich the lives of Franco-Ontarians. Lucille is proud of the radiance of our beautiful culture, thanks to the newcomers. Our future is secure. Francophiles too, with heart and passion, enrich the province and our welcoming community.
With fifteen years of recognized leadership, Lucille has earned the respect of both her peers and constituents. She takes action to bring impactful changes.
Lucille is committed to defending public services, driving the changes necessary to make life better for all.